‘Werewolf’ cat that could be one of just 100 left in the world looking for home

A ‘werewolf’ cat, that is believed to be one of as little as 100 left in the world, is currently being cared for at Cats Protection in Warrington. The extremely rare animal is now looking for a new home.

Fern, a Lykoi cat, was given up for adoption and taken to Cats Protection after her previous owner went into care. Lykoi cats are incredibly rare and it’s estimated there are only 100 to 200 of the animals in the world.

The breed are also known as ‘werewolf cats’ and for their distinctive appearances, as they are a hybrid between hairless and haired cats. Adoption centre manager Lindsay Kerr has now urged people to come forward if they are interested in the ‘sweet’ but ‘unique’ cat.

Fern’s ideal future home would be a quiet, calm one with no other pets or children.

A Lykoi cat
Fern is a ‘sweet’ but ‘unique’ cat who is finding life stressful in the rescue centre

Lindsay said: “Sadly, Fern has had very little interest so far and she really is a sweet girl. She was really finding it quite stressful in the centre, so she is staying with one of our fosterers, where she has really come out of her shell.

“Fern is looking for a quiet home as she is initially quite wary. She was treated for an ear infection when she first arrived, but this cleared up after treatment and she has a little cyst on her head, but the vet said it is not a concern.

“I think she will make a lovely companion for the right person who is looking for a unique cat.”

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