Well, we have got you covered. With the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, residents of Warrington aren’t short of things to do anymore with events galore.
So, here are three events you can head to this weekend…
The Welcome Back Festival
A live tennis match will be held in Times Square
The town centre is set is ‘come alive’ with performance, art, music, activity and colour this weekend as a festival returns to Warrington.
Cultural extravaganza the Welcome Back Festival has been organised to encourage visitors back to the heart of the town, with special events on Saturday, Sunday and next Thursday, August 12.
Visitors can look forward to comedy cookery to street theatre, and from stilt walkers and puppetry to music and art.
Audiences will also be wowed with giant birds, colourful prancing butterflies, art-based workshops and street theatre.
Even better, a giant tortoise will also be roaming the streets as part of the cultural extravaganza.
The festival aims to deliver a big welcome back to people as part of the town centre’s reopening.
Tickets are available at wearewarringtonbid.co.uk and at warrington.gov.uk/events
For further details about the events, you can find them here.
Bring on RivFest
RivFest is taking place at Golden Square in the Old Market Place from August 6 to 8.
Headliners Graeme Park, Everything Everything and Abi Rose Kelly will be there in all their glory for Warrington to enjoy.
The likes of The Rills, The Lounge Society, Foxglove, Orchards, Pizzagirl, Jessica Luise, The Zangwills, Hadda Be, More in Luv, and The A.V Club will also take to the festival.
The Zangwills will take to RivFest
For more details on the acts playing at the festival, you can find that out here.
Visit parrhall.culturewarrington.org or hcpromotions.co.uk for RivFest tickets.
Catch the unique Morris dance
The Lymm Morris dance returns this weekend
The Lymm Dance, a Morris dance unique to the village, has been performed for more than 200 years and returns on Sunday.
It is sometimes called the Old Dance and was danced as part of the Lymm Rushbearing, when a cart of rushes was processed through the village to the church where the rushes were strewn on the floor.
In the late 19th and early 20th century, it was also performed at May Queen festivals by teams from both Lymm and Oughtrington.
The tradition gradually died out in part due to the First World War, but through Thelwall Morris Men and their digging, Lymm Rushbearing was revived in 1972 by Chris Limb.
Since the 1980s, the resurrected Lymm Dance has been performed regularly at the Rushbearing as well as at the Lymm May Queen and more recently Lymm Dickensian Day.
And they will be continuing to do so, while on the search for younger members. You can see them at Lymm Rushbearing on August 8.
To find out more about how it came to be, you can do so here.